Es freut und ehrt mich, euch auf meiner Webseite begrüßen zu dürfen. Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um euch meine Kunst etwas näher zu bringen. Schon immer spielt Kunst eine wichtige Rolle in meinem Leben. Über das übliche Spektrum des Schulfaches Kunst, Acrylmalerei und Holzskulpturen hinaus entwickelte ich eine Faszination für das Arbeiten mit Glasscherben. Die Idee zur Scherbenkunst kam mir im Alter von 16 Jahren, als im Rahmen des Kunstunterrichts die Aufgabe gestellt wurde, eine Collage anzufertigen. Ohne zu sehr ins Detail gehen zu wollen, war mit dem daraus resultierenden Kunstwerk der Grundstein zur Shard Art gelegt.
Ich hielt seitdem daran fest, machte mir im Laufe der Zeit viele Gedanken und entwickelte unterschiedlichste Techniken und Wege meine Ideen mit Scherben darzustellen. Heute und somit ca. 10 Jahre nach der Fertigstellung des ersten Werkes habe ich bereits einige meiner Vorstellungen realisieren können und arbeite permanent an weiteren Konzepten, Techniken und Kunstwerken. In Anbetracht der Ideen und Möglichkeiten, die diese Form der Kunst beinhaltet, freue ich mich auf das, was noch kommen wird. Bei Interesse an der Kunst oder einzelnen Werken könnt ihr euch gerne bei mir melden.
Since I was a little child art was always one of my greatest passions. Beyond the usual content of art classes, i.e., acrylic and oil painting as well as carving, I developed a fascination for the work with broken glass shards. At the age of sixteen I got the idea for this. In art class, we got the assignment to create a collage. Without going into too much detail, the resulting artwork was the cornerstone for my idea of a new way of mosaic art. It all started with the idea of capturing the moments when things like bottles or flower pots are thrown against a wall. I expand this basic idea by developing new techniques to such as portraits inspired by pop art and abstract sceneries, which I also place inside acrylic glass boxes. Since then I have become obsessed with the destructive beauty of this form of art. Over time I have developed various techniques and ways to realize my ideas by using glass shards. I have never considered myself as a mosaic artist, so I had to find another name for what I am doing. I have decided to call it Shard-Art. Today, approx. 11 years after the completion of the first work, I have brought to life a few of my ideas and I am constantly working on new techniques, concepts and artworks.
I am inspired by my personal surroundings, by the superficiality and fast pace of the modern society and the gradually growing loss of imagination. Young people being stuck at the threshold of
growing up, the future of our civilisation flooded with information, of different opinions, forced to choose what is wrong and what is right. In a world where money seems to be the only thing that
counts. Facing these challenges, some people search for freedom, and finding themselves by getting lost in endless sleepless nights full of indescribably beautiful moments the price of which has to
be paid after awakening.
My artistic drive is to capture unique moments out of the broken shards which are left behind by our fast-moving times. With regard to all the ideas and opportunities this way of art offers, I am
looking forward to the future. i already had my first bigger single exhibitions in Germany and Italy.